Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign....

If you have worked with me, you know I am not a fan of thematic names for silent auction sections and tables. The truth is cute section names do nothing to help your bottom line.

Our goal should be that each section is easy to find in a room filled with people and distractions. finding the "red section" is always going to be easier than finding the "Home & Garden Section"

This year resolve to make your silent tables easy to identify and find. I recommend the use of colors to ID your silent tables. EX: "The Blue Section is closing in 10 minutes". It's a no-brainer to find the blue table when it's covered with blue balloons and blue tablecloth.  Now add one more thing....a coordinating sign with closing info and any related table information.

The usefulness of signs should be expanded to your point out your raffles, drawings, live auction items, sponsor mentions, bathroom directions, auction results...anything really! 
  • Insist that your emcee or auctioneer echo these nuggets of info all night as well. A lost and un-informed guest will waste valuable time looking for stuff all night....and you don't have time to waste. 
  • Help bidder find item. Bid on item. Be there as it closes. That's our goal.
  • It's the 21st Century...let's take your message digital.  Incorporate everything mentioned above, into your video displays and Big Screen presentations.

If you have worked directly with me, you know I am not a fan of cute names for silent auction sections or tables. The simple fact is they do little or nothing to help your bottom line. 


Resolve in to make your silent tables easy to identify and navigate. I've always recommended the use of colors to ID your silent tables. EX: "The Blue Section is closing in 10 minutes". It's a no-brainer when that table is surrounded by blue balloons.  Now add a coordinating informational sign with all table & closing details covered.

Signs can be utilized to point out your raffles, drawings, live auction items, sponsor mentions, bathroom directions, auction results.  You get the point.