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Never Stack your bid sheets on the table.
50+ bid sheets all looking exactly alike to the bidders.
Again with the stacking.
Small descriptive bid sheets, stacked together.

Seriously, stop stacking items on tables.

Very confusing
The auction committee actually thought by color coding the ribbons, bidders would be able to easily find the items. It did not work out very well.
Where do I start?

Once you add 300 people
This silent area is just too tight. Once you add your guests, people will literally avoid going in there to spend money. Not good. When choosing your venue, pay attention to the space and what it will look like with tables and items in place.

Bid Sheets hanging on a Wall?
I honestly have only seen this one time, so it's not necessarily a trend I'm concerned with. It goes without saying that asking your donors to place bids on a vertical surface is not a good idea.
Really Bad Bid Sheet
Why this group felt they needed to ahve each bidder write down 3 things on every bid sheet is beyond me. Each person gets a bid number...period. Anything else is opening yourself up to privacy issues and slowing down your silent auction.

Crowded. Tiered tables are not always good.

Most crowded table EVER

Mix and Match Game
See an item you like? Here's the Item #...Now good luck finding the bid sheet. Just bad table management.

Traffic Jam Assured - The Horseshoe
Setting up tables in this formation will guarantee a crowded and difficult navigate area. Silent auctions are about traffic flow. Make it easy to get in and get out.

Traffic Jam Result
This is the same section as above...Notice the mess we've created.

Such a Nightmare.
What a mess this was. How does anyone think this is OK?
Silent tables too close to the food line?
This has the potential to become very crowded once the food starts being available. If people cannot get to the silent tables to bid, we have a problem. Always try to imagine what it's going to look like with 150 people around the tables.


Too many items on this table...
Do not stack your items like this. Bid sheets get messed up and we just had too many items on this table. Add one more table or eliminate a few items.

This is just terrible.
Too much stacking of bid sheets. Confusing layout for bidders. The bowling pins and shoes are too many props for the item. One pin would have caught the eye of a bowling lover.

Almost got it....
Very creative idea for the silent auction items. Each silent item had a wine bottle with a custom printed label that included the items description. The issue was that the printing was so small each person had to pick up the bottle to read what the item was. Very creative, but ultimately it was a problem.

Almost got it...Part 2
Full picture of the above "bottle problem"
Double Trouble!
Having 2 identical items is not uncommon, but placing them right next to each other is a sure way to keep the bids low.

Big Pole in the Way
Your silent acution is about traffic flow. Big poles are hard to see througha dn don't encourage easy flow of bidders.

The Out of Control Silent Section

Good luck matching Items with Bid sheets

Hanging Bid Sheets?
Just doesn't work. If your silent tables are so full that you need to resort to hanging bid sheets, good chance you have too many silent Items.

Tables continue to be waaaaaaay to crowded.
Good luck finding anything here.

It's Simple Supply and Demand
I understand that you got 2 of the same thing. But placing them next to each other all but guarantees that neither will have a chance of doing better than the other.

Bid Sheets Everywhere.
Regardless of the situation, this is never going to be seen as organized or easy to decypher by bidders.
Multiple Items
Same item...You have four...Do we really need to place them right next to each other for the auction? The Supply is cleary beyind the expected Demand...Why encourage bidders to NOT spend money. At the very least put them on seperate tables.