Gallery Home > Auction Informational Signage

Access to dynamic signage that can be customized for your org is becomming more available as venues step up their tech offerings. his is the future.

Best Silent Closing sign EVER
Professionally done. Clear message. Easy to read. To the point.

Great information sign for tables, talking about your mission all night long.
I call these “Did You Know…” signs and they can be anywhere at your event and help build your messaging to guests. Cheap and easy. Everyone should be doing this.
Simple and Clean!


Nobody can Miss this one!
Perfect. Above the crowd. Easy to see. Can be seen from anywhere in the room.


Great live auction sign



Promote. Promote. Promote!
These were placed everywhere at the auction. Just a consistent "tease" and reminder to those who don't look at the program. (which is nearly everyone)


Silent Auction Closing Sign

Great way to get your message out to bidders.

Sign for Wine Grab


Great silent auction singage
Notice they left off the "time" on each sign...they wrote it in with erasable marker. This sign will be good for years to come.


Nice sponsor mentions

Hollywood Theme carried through on signage.

Nice Promotion of the Live Auction via Signs
Message. Message. Message.
Get your message out at every turn. Talk about your Mission and show your donors what you did with last years money.

Professional Signs for Live Auction.
Professional signs are great. But the content is key. HEre some basic bullet points on the items details are what we are after. Mission Accomplished!

Big and Clear. Perfect!

Keeping your Mission in mind on every sign


Keep It Simple Stupid - when designating/identifying your auction sections. Don't ask your bidders to find the "Home and Garden Section" or the "900's Table" . Black Table is easy to find in any room. Great signs and balloons help bidders find it from across the room.