Gallery Home > Auction Centerpieces

Stay on Message.
Just love this centerpiece. It's simple, cost very little to make and it is getting your message across to everyone all night long. Really moving. PErfect.


Best Centerpiece Ever
I loved this centerpiece for many reasons, but the idea behind it was one of the best. Basically, all the veggies were from a local garden teh benefactor has been working with. A local chef who loved the organization provided a recipie fora lovely soup, that required everything in the basket. Sold for $50 each at

Awesome Centerpiece.
Yes, it's an actual computer on a self rotating platform! Photos on each laptop were customized to feature the children of the parents seated at the table. Obviously took some work, but went over very well with the crowd.


Spring Theme.
Fake grass and flowers, but people really wanted them at the end of the night. We of course were happy to sell them for $20 each. ;)

Problematic Centerpiece
This centerpiece looks good, but is a problem in that I can 't see the bidders and they often cannot see me.

Nice Centerpiece
I like this because it was cheap to produce, kept with the theme for the night and wasn't so big as to cause issues on each table..

May be a Problem...
Be careful to not go with a centerpiece that could potentially block the view of your guests or auctioneer. They may be pretty, but they need to be appropriate for a fundraising situation. If an auctioneer can't see a bidder's hand behind a centrepiece, we have a problem.

Simple. Clear. Theme appropriate.
Above all this needs to serve it's purpose...and it does.




Fancy Centerpieces
Certainly beautiful, but be careful we are not blocking the view of bidders during auction. These were on every 2-3 tables, so that helped greatly.