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Too Complicated.
IF still sign bid sheets, you just need bidder number and amount. That's it.
Watch those Increments
Only real problem here is the item has a Fair Market Value of $500 Those $10 increments just won't get you there in one night. Consider using 10% of the FMV as your increment level. In this case $50 bumps.
Great Bid Sheet
Pre Printed Sheet. Clear description. Good increments. All the information you need.
Pre Printed Bid Sheets
Pre Printed sheets save time and all but eliminate bidder errors.
Oh boy.
Increment is too high.
Increment just too high on this item. Bidding starts at $70 and the next bid is $100. You get 3 bids and are at 100% of FMV. Bidders need to feel like they re getting a deal early in bidding.
It's in the details.
Great item, but don't overlook the obvious details a bidder may need...The actual date of the event would be helpful. © 2025. All rights reserved.
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